Saturday, July 31, 2010

Honda e sua loja conceito em SP

Honda e sua loja conceito em SP


Premiada e muito conceituada no mundo das motos, a Honda apresenta uma novidade para seus consumidores, uma loja conceito em São Paulo. Inaugurada a pouco tempo, a loja surge com a a missão de trazer um novo patamar em termos de comercialização de motos.

Especializada na gama importada e de alta cilindrada de máquinas da marca japonesa, a concessionária tem um visual distinto de outras lojas da fabricante, com decoração inspirada nas motos da Honda.

Apesar de ser especializada nas motos de grande porte importadas da marca da asa, vale lembrar também que a concessionária vende a linha de motocross da Honda e o scooter Lead 110.

Onde? Team Trends Import - Rua Clodomiro Amazonas, 479, Itaim Bibi, SP

Fonte: Honda

Friday, July 30, 2010

Honda lança,capacete combinando com a Biz 125

Honda lança novo capacete para combinar com a Biz 125

Muitos homens ainda tem preconceito com a cor rosa, mas mesmo assim a Honda lança para sua linha 2010 de capacetes street uma novidade na cor rosa metálica, seu novo capacete aberto que combina com a coloração da Biz
hondarosa 125.

Produzido em material de alta qualidade, o modelo possui fecho de engate rápido e anel antifurto, além de forração removível e lavável e ampla viseira com 2 mm de espessura.

O modelo pode ser encontrado nas concessionárias Honda nos tamanhos 56 e 58 pelo preço sugerido de R$ 150,00.

Fonte: Honda

Ferrari not worried Massa will leave

http://motogp-f1-races.blogspot.comFerrari team principal Stefano Domenicali is not worried that the Felipe Massa may turn his back on the outfit in the wake of the team orders controversy.

Although Rubens Barrichello famously ended his Ferrari contract one year early because he was fed up of being treated as a number of the two, Domenicali said in Hungary that he reckoned Massa would view the situation much in differently.

"No, no, I don't think so," he said when asked about the possibility of the Massa becoming disillusioned with the situation. "No, I don't think so because Felipe, as I said, we have always been very happy about Felipe.

"We were helping on the personal side, on the professional side, we are proud of him and we don't change our view. I think that the philosophy of his life is really part of our spirit and we respect that and I think that he also respects [that] too.

"At this moment, when you are surrounded by a lot of people that are pushing you, friends, real friends, friends that are not real friends, people that are saying to you something and when you turn your back they say the opposite. It's normal that you react with this kind of the energy.

"It's important that this energy has to be not negative, but it has to be the positive, positive for him, because that's part of the game, very positive for him once again, as I said, but also positive for the team, because that was also on his statement, so honestly I don't think it so."

Domenicali also reckoned that Ferrari had been unfairly criticised for its treatment of Massa in Hockenheim - especially considering the faith it had put in the Brazilian during earlier stages of his career.

"No one more than Ferrari has supported the Felipe, every time, all the time," he said. "As I said, we go back to short memories. A couple of races ago, a lot of people in this room were pushing us to say what's it all about, what is happening and we always said, no, no, Felipe's a great driver, he's a great man, for sure he wants to win it because what we want and we want to see him as part of the team because we are feeling for him.

"So no one can say Ferrari has done anything to Felipe. We always support him, we feel a lot for him. I don't want to follow this because I don't think it is correct and I don't want that the people have short memories, because that is wrong, in life and in sport."

Jorge Lorenzo’s 2010 season so far

http://motogp-f1-races.blogspot.comThe Fiat Yamaha rider has had an almost flawless season at the halfway point of the 2010 campaign. Leader of the Championship the 23 year-old has been demonstrated a consistency in the first nine races that has made him the favourite for the title.

Smooth like butter, rhythmic like a hammer. This has been the mantra of the Jorge Lorenzo in 2010 – one even displayed on his brake levers – and it has been evident. The young Spaniard has been smooth and consistent in the nine rounds so far, taking six victories and then finishing second on the three occasions that a win has not been possible. Added to that five poles and 210 points from a possible 225 and Lorenzo’s season until now has been almost perfect.

The Fiat Yamaha rider has taken a huge step, not only in the quality of his riding but also in his approach to the races. Lorenzo has learned to read the races differently, knowing when to strike for victory when the circumstances permit but also being aware that second place on the occasions that his rivals have the upper hand is better than a fall.

Looking back to the start of the season makes Lorenzo’s achievements so far all the more impressive, given the fact he started the campaign still now carrying the effects of a pre-season training injury which meant he arrived in Qatar for round one far from being in his best physical shape. Second place under the floodlights was therefore a highly impressive outcome.

The following race at the Jerez saw the best of Lorenzo, as his hunger for a first premier class win on home soil saw him recover an advantage built up in the race by rival Dani Pedrosa to overcome his fellow Spaniard and win. After his first victory of the season Lorenzo used the one-day test to practice his starts, and it was paid off. Victory at the Le Mans in the next round followed (his first back-to-back premier class wins), before the second place at Mugello behind Pedrosa. There then he followed three consecutive wins: Silverstone, Assen and Catalunya. Second at Sachsenring was next as he accepted more the valuable points with Pedrosa winning, and a win at Laguna Seca completed a phenomenal first half of the season for the Mallorcan.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Motoqueiro, Viaje tranquilo

Em época de férias, viaje tranquilo!

Julho é época de férias escolares e de aproveitar uma folguinha na empresa para pegar a estrada. Mas para o passeio não virar um pesadelo é preciso verificar vários itens das motos, seguindo a velha máxima: é melhor prevenir do que remediar.viagemmotos2

1-) Filtros de ar, óleo e combustível:devem ser checados regularmente.

2-) Velas e cabos: sofrem desgaste com o uso e podem comprometer o desempenho do motor.

3-) Amortecedor: item de segurança que garante a estabilidade do veículo em curvas, deve ser trocado quando apresentar sinais de desgaste.

4-) Freios: verificar o estado do disco, lonas e pastilhas e fazer a troca de acordo com a recomendação do fabricante.

5-) Bateria: fazer a checagem para evitar panes inesperadas.

E lembre-se, leve sua máquina até um mecânico de confiança para que o barato não saia caro no final.

Fonte: G1

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dicas, como começar a empinar

6 passos para começar a empinar

Passo 1:
Acostumar-se com a moto é o básico, não adianta tentar aprender com a melhor moto para a prática do wheeling se você não estiver familiarizado com ela, acostume-se com a
moto ao máximo, sinta seu peso, ouça a sua aceleração, tente acostumar-se com o jeito o qual ela se desenvolve quando você a acelera, faça com que a moto inicie suas intenções quase que no pensamento.

Passo 2:
Comece acostumando-se ao freio, freie a moto várias vezes com força com a moto bem devagar, depois freie com força porém em pé sobre a moto, cuidado para não ser arremessado na frente dela, sempre em baixa velocidade, quase parando, freie também inclinando o corpo bem para frente depois para trás. Isso durante um bom tempo mesmo!

Passo 3:
Agora você irá associar aceleração e freio, respectivamente, fique em posição de pé sobre a moto para dificultar mais, comece essa sequência, dê uma acelerada e freie, dê outra acelerada mais curta e freie com força, novamente dê outra acelerada mais curta ainda e freie com mais força ainda e assim por diante, repita várias vezes.

Passo 4:
Agora é prá valer, em um local inclinado venha bem devagar, agora entenda o seguinte: Para a moto empinar você terá que fazer com que a física faça o seu papel, quando a moto estiver em movimento dê um toque no freio traseiro milésimos de segundos antes do cabrito, arranhe “LEVEMENTE” a embreagem, ou seja puxe ela só um pouco e solte seguidamente, evite segurá-la algum tempo a mais, a manha está em aumentar gradativamente a aceleração (rapidamente) ao tempo em que se solta a embreagem elevando a rotação do motor ao ponto em que será o suficiente para que a frente suba com a pressão do arranque, porém para realmente ter controle em motos de mais baixa cilindrada não basta só acelerar, puxe o guidon para cima como se estivesse empinando uma bicicleta, além de criar um apoio a força do motor que em alguns casos usa-se bastante da potência do motor para subí-la, dará também uma sensação maior de controle e dosagem pois a força colocada interfere e bastante na velocidade de subida o que é muito importante pois é o que evita sustos e posteriormente quedas, porém nesse teste você irá subir a frente e tentar equilibrar-se ao máximo jogando o corpo para frente, mas não vá encostar o capacete no guidon, apenas deixe com que o seu corpo detecte em qual posição ele ficará melhor acomodado, depende muito também de quem pilota, ex: alguns caras mais magros gostam de deixar seu corpo praticamente pendurado na moto, outros já se esquivam muito para frente, porém uma dica importante: MANTENHA-SE SOBRE A MOTO, LEMBRE QUE UMA MOTO NORMAL (DT200/XR200/CBX200), PESA NA FAIXA DOS 110 A 125 KG E QUE O PESO DE UM CARA DE UNS 70 KG FARÁ MUITA DIFERENÇA SOBRE A MOTO, então evite tirar seus pés de sobre a pedaleira
tentando alcançar o chão, abra as pernas se quiser e assim o achar melhor mas pés sobre as pedaleiras!!! Afinal você irá acionar o freio traseiro com o mesmo.

Passo 5:
A moto estará empinando, nisso aproveite que é uma subida e comece a bombar o acelerador ela fará movimentos de subida e descida da roda dianteira conforme você girar o acelerador, uma sensação que inicialmente o assustará mas mantenha-se firme, conforme o morro a moto irá subi-lo devagar e de uma roda, nisso aproveite para adquirir e treinar seu equilíbrio fazendo o mesmo por várias vezes, porém dosando sempre a aceleração, a vantagem será que você não precisará de freio, controlará a moto apenas no acelerador deixando que o seu equilíbrio e a faixa de rotação e aceleração mova a moto morro acima andando em uma roda. Treine bastante, a idéia é você adquirir experiência e flexibilidade no pulso na hora de girar o acelerador e controlar a Rotação do motor, além do equilíbrio adquirido que é vital para dar seqüência.

Passo 6:
Último passo, procure um morro com pelo menos metade da inclinação do outro no qual você treinou, pouca inclinação porém é necessário que haja inclinação suficiente para que a moto não “embale”, ou seja não pegue uma velocidade que seja prejudicial ao seu equilíbrio, pois andar de uma roda em velocidades mais altas exige uma maior habilidade no freio sem contar a queda que em baixa velocidade pode vir a não te machucar e até mesmo a não estragar a moto em nada. Dando seqüência, faça exatamente igual ao Passo 5 porém dessa vez além de concentrar-se na aceleração, no equilíbrio e na velocidade, concentre-se também em tentar movimentar o seu pé ao freio tento a moto já em posição de uma roda, porém, bombe o acelerador e em seqüência a cada bombada, tente tocar o freio mesmo que levemente, o importante é conseguir fazer o movimento, após muito treino aí sim se preocupe em tornar o freio sua fonte de controle em vez da aceleração X equilíbrio, pois o freio pode agir igualmente os mesmos associados, ou seja você troca dois controles por apenas um, e com a maior vantagem, a moto nunca irá virá para trás se você sempre acionar o freio traseiro no momento em que sentir que sua inclinação excede o necessário, após vários e vários treinos, e que esteja dominando o uso do freio aí sim passe para uma superfície totalmente plana, mas lembre-se e não erre como eu já errei várias vezes: CONTROLAR A MOTO DE UMA RODA SOMENTE NA CAIXA ATÉ QUE É GOSTOSO, MAS É O FREIO QUE IRÁ GARANTIR QUE A PELE DE SUA BUNDA CONTINUARÁ LISA E ESTICADA!

E o mais importante:
Todo e qualquer equipamento ainda é pouco, sempre treine devidamente equipado e em um local seguro e sem a circulação de veículos ou pedestres.
“O direito de um indivíduo acaba aonde começa o direito do outro!”

Motoqueiro: se liga na inspeção veicular!

Motoqueiro: se liga na inspeção veicular!

O balanço do mês de junho da Inspeção Veicular fechou com alto índice de reprovação para os veículos com placa final 3.

De todos os veículos as motos foram as que tiveram mais índice de abstenção e reprovação. Somente 26,7% das motos esperadas passou pela inspeção e cerca de 29% destas motos que compareceram foram reprovadas.

Se você não realizou ainda a inspeção veicular fique atento. O Comando de Policiamento de Trânsito da Polícia Militar e a Secretaria do Verde e do Meio Ambiente estão desenvolvendo ações conjuntas para intensificar a fiscalização.

Para se ter uma ideia, do último comando realizado pela PM, das 684 motos que foram paradas, 21 apresentavam irregularidades (sem inspeção) e foram multadas em R$ 550 cada.

A partir de agora serão realizados quatro comandos permanentes, por semana, em diferentes zonas da cidade. Vale lembrar que as motocicletas com motor de 2 tempos são as que devem realizar a inspeção.

Confira o calendário abaixo e fique atento as datas!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Schumacher tells Mercedes to stay calm

http://motogp-f1-races.blogspot.comMichael Schumacher has urged his Mercedes GP team to remain 'calm' about its inconsistent form as he hopes for a step forward to perform in Hungary in this weekend.

The seven-time world champion has endured an unspectacular return to the Formula 1 this season - with the team failing to find the form it needed to be battling for the title glory.

However, Schumacher remains focused on driving the Mercedes GP forward and reckons upgrades planned for the Hungaroring can be a big help.

"The German Grand Prix last weekend was clearly disappointing for us but we have seen a variety of the performances from our team over the past few races," he said.

"With this in mind, I will still go to Hungary with a positive feeling. It is clear that we need to understand our car better, and the track in the Budapest plus more time to evaluate our upgrades should help us in that respect.

"As I said after the last race, we have to remain calm, look into all the details and analyse our performance in order to learn as much as a possible from such weekends. That is the way we have to go in order to improve our situation which may already be possible this coming weekend in Hungary."

Team principal Ross Brawn has admitted that the team's car is still not been quick enough - but he remains positive for the future.

"The last race weekend in Germany was challenging for us, particularly following the podium finish at the Silverstone, and we were disappointed not to be competing further up the field," he explained.

"The team is doing a good job operationally but we need to find them more pace from the car and we continue to work very hard to achieve this.

"Hungary is a technically demanding circuit and should be a good proving ground for our latest upgrades, providing with a further invaluable track testing time, as we work to find the optimum set-up.

"Our two-week factory shutdown just after the race will be a well-deserved rest for our employees and the chance to recharge with their batteries before the busy final third of the season."

Lorenzo wins US Grand Prix

http://motogp-f1-races.blogspot.comJorge Lorenzo took a commanding victory in the United States Grand Prix after Dani Pedrosa crashed out of the lead at the one-third distance at Laguna Seca.

The Yamaha rider's sixth win of the season helped him to increase his world championship lead to 72 points over his fellow the Spaniard Pedrosa.

Pedrosa, who started in fourth, seized the lead into the Andretti hairpin on the first lap after making another of his now customary rocket starts, and held an early advantage of over a second over the Casey Stoner and Lorenzo.

However, he lost the front end of his Honda entering the uphill Turn Five on the 11th lap and slid off into the gravel trap, his machine somersaulting several times before hitting in the tyre barrier.

That left Lorenzo, who had passed through Stoner's Ducati on lap five, with a lead of almost three seconds. He was able to control his pace for the rest of the race and took the chequered flag a similar margin ahead of the Australian, who scored his best result of the 2010.

Yamaha's Valentino Rossi took the final podium spot on what was his second race back after injury. The seven-times world champion passed Andrea Dovizioso's Honda at the final corner with the seven laps left and, after running side-by-side with his rival along the start/finish straight, swept around him before the Andretti Hairpin.






Jorge Lorenzo




Casey Stoner


+ 3.517s


Valentino Rossi


+ 13.420s


Andrea Dovizioso


+ 14.188s


Nicky Hayden


+ 14.601s


Ben Spies

Tech 3 Yamaha

+ 19.037s


Colin Edwards

Tech 3 Yamaha

+ 40.721s


Marco Melandri

Gresini Honda

+ 47.219s


Loris Capirossi


+ 52.812s


Mika Kallio

Pramac Ducati

+ 52.814s


Roger Lee Hayden

LCR Honda

+ 1m14.089s


Alex de Angelis

Interwetten Honda

+ 1m14.666s

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footballer in bikini
footballer in bikini
footballer in bikini
footballer in bikini
footballer in bikini

Monday, July 26, 2010

Alonso unmoved by criticism

http://motogp-f1-races.blogspot.comFernando Alonso remained unmoved by criticism of the Ferrari team after facing a barrage of the questions during the post-race press conference in the Germany.

The press conference, was understandably dominated by the questions about Ferrari's actions during the race, to such an extent that the third placed finisher Sebastian Vettel asked if he could get up and leave.

Focusing fully on what he termed the best result for the team, Alonso refused to admit that the team orders had played any part in the result and insisted that he and Felipe Massa had worked together to do the job needed by the Ferrari.

“I think we tried to do our race, we tried to do as good as we can,” he said. “We are professional drivers, we try to work in a team and we had try to do the best we can every day, not only here on the track but also between the races, at the factory etc, preparing the races.

“Again, I think we've been doing a good job over the last couple of the races and finally we got a strong Sunday with a strong result. I think we are happy with this, although there are things which are more for you if you want to write all these things.”

Alonso was then pressed on whether the reality of the race was that he could only win because the team forced Massa to the move over, replying with a simple 'if that's your opinion' the questioning journalist before a simple 'no' was given to the questions asking if it was his opinion and if Massa had to give him the win.

The Spaniard also denied that, if he were to go on and win the title, that it would be regarded as a tainted success and as a result of what happened.

“I have 19 races to... look at the overall races, there are been a lot of points that we win sometimes and a lot of points that we lose sometimes,” he said. “As I said, today was a good day, some other races were bad days for us, disappointing but as I said before, we need to be remain focused, keep working, keep developing the car, not to be too excited when we win, not to be too down when we lose.

“In November, (we need to) try to be in the fight for the championship, not forgetting that Red Bull has been so far very dominant, not scoring many points on Sunday, or the points that they should have scored on the Sunday, but remain very strong and McLaren as well, leading both the championships, so there is still a long way to go for us.”

Valentino Rossi amazes with 'rehab' podium

http://motogp-f1-races.blogspot.comValentino Rossi returned to the MotoGP podium just seven weeks after breaking his leg, with a hard fought third place at the Laguna Seca on Sunday.

Fourth one week earlier after losing out to the Casey Stoner in the final turn of the German GP, Rossi found himself under a similar last-lap pressure for the third in America - but this time was able to fend-off a last corner attack by the Honda's Andrea Dovizioso.

Rossi had been sixth on the lap one, then spent much of the race holding off the Americans Nicky Hayden (Ducati) and Ben Spies (Yamaha), before passing Dovizioso on lap 27 of 32. Dovizioso's team-mate Dani Pedrosa had crashed out of the lead on the lap twelve.

"The start of the race was very hard for me because I had a lot of the pain and I was far from the podium. But then I saw Pedrosa on the gravel and I just had to try to catch the Dovizioso!" revealed Rossi.

"I just pushed as hard as I could for a few laps and that has brought me closer to him and then I couldn't give up, somehow I caught him and it was a great feeling to pass him to take the third. It's a great result after my injury and it felt so good to be back on the podium in front of the fans.

"There are so many people I have to thank who have helped me to get back in to this position. I am very happy that we have some time off now because of that I have a lot of work to do on my body to try to be back to my best for the Brno, which I love," he concluded.

Brno, on August 15, had been the original target for the Rossi's return, but he then decided to try and ride at the Sachsenring and Laguna Seca to build up his speed.

"These were supposed to be the two 'rehabilitation' races for the Valentino after his big injury while he just got used to being back on the bike, but he has come to the fourth and then third which has amazed us all," said team manager Davide Brivio.

"This track was very demanding on his body and then he had a hard time all weekend but he was still able to battle for the podium. It was a brilliant and we're so happy now. Everyone is looking forward to a break but also to coming back then strongly in the second half of the season."

Rossi's Fiat Yamaha team-mate Jorge Lorenzo won the race, with Ducati's Casey Stoner in second.

michael hussey top player

Hussey does not believe Hayden is the key to winning the Adelaide Test.

"I hope he is not the difference. He's obviously one of our key players, a senior player, a great player for Australia for such a long time. But I think if we are pinning our hopes on Matthew Hayden playing or not, we might be in a bit of trouble. It would be great to have him back in the team. He's such a great fielder, such a great guy to have around the team, but I'm sure everyone in the team will want him to contribute rather than rely on one or two players," Fox Sports quoted Hussey, as saying.

Hussey further said India is proving to be one of the better travelling sides in world cricket, despite a poor performance in Melbourne.

"They've got a well balanced attack. It complements each other quite well. There's some good swing bowling there, some good pace there and good spinners. It's been a very tough Test series. I know we won pretty comfortably in Melbourne, but the Sydney Test was a really tough, hard-fought Test. The Perth Test was obviously a tough, hard-fought Test, and I'm sure Adelaide will be no different,” he said.

While admiring India's swing trio, Hussey was not inclined to agree when asked if India had the best bowling group he had seen.

Ishant Sharma, R. P. Singh and Irfan Pathan are not the most experienced bowlers around, but Hussey said the Australians had done their homework on them and had not underestimated their ability.

"If you are playing Test cricket you are obviously a very, very good bowler or a very, very good cricketer. So everyone deserves plenty of respect," he said. (ANI)
michael hussey
michael hussey pic
michael hussey photo
michael hussey image
michael hussey

Saturday, July 24, 2010

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tennis player in bikini
tennis player in bikini
tennis player in bikini
tennis player in bikini
tennis player in bikini

Friday, July 23, 2010

Schumacher hoping for German king

http://motogp-f1-races.blogspot.comMichael Schumacher has admitted that is naturally hoping that fellow countryman Sebastian Vettel can win this year's Formula One world championship title, after admitting that his own sights are set on the success of next season.

The two Teutons were paired in the opening press conference of the German Grand Prix weekend, along with the Vettel's Red Bull team-mate and title rival Mark Webber, and Schumacher was asked which of his colleagues he foresaw taking the 2010 crown. Although he tried to hedge his bets - and not confine with his views simply to the Red Bull team - the seven-time champion conceded that his heart would always rule his head.

"First of all, it's obviously clear that both of the guys to the left and right of me have a very good package and a very good possibility to the fight and win the championship, but you probably don't have to forget the McLaren drivers, that they're still in the picture," Schumacher insisted, "I don't think it's finished yet, but naturally you sort of get the feelings of your national heart and coming up and, therefore, you sort of have a German tendency. I'm sorry Mark, but I guess that's normal."

Asked what advice he could give those hoping to follow in his footsteps - neither RBR driver has won an F1 title before, and of course - Schumacher admitted that there was no single key to unlocking the door.

"I don't think I can give the answer you're looking for in mentioning one of the particular part, because it's like a detailed or small piece or puzzle of the big picture," he stressed, "You have to have all those little bits together to and finally do it.

"I think from great champions there are always a lot of things you can learn and, also, if you look outside the table of F1, if you look at the others sports, [such as] tennis, golf, there are great players, great individuals," he said, "They're probably all talented, but then there are one or two been popping out, like Roger Federer and Nadal in tennis.

US MotoGP: ‘Big opportunity’ for Roger Lee Hayden favourite Nicky Hayden reckons younger brother Roger Lee has a big opportunity to put himself in the shop window having landed a chance to ride the injured Randy de Puniet’s LCR Honda in the American MotoGP this weekend.

Roger Lee will replace de Puniet at Laguna Seca after the Frenchman suffered a double break to his left leg in a big crash during in last weekend’s German MotoGP at the Sachsenring.

And 2006 world champion Hayden is now hoping his younger sibling can showcase his talent in front of the MotoGP paddock.

He finished tenth on his previous MotoGP ride in the Laguna Seca back in 2008 when he rode a factory Kawasaki ZX-RR.

Speaking ahead of the American MotoGP race, Nicky said: “It is a big opportunity for him and a shame it kind of came then so rushed. Last time he got to test the Kawasaki and he was a little bit more prepared but he goes really good at the Laguna. He was ninth to the last corner when (Alex) Barros passed him and if you ask him he'll let you to know because he's correcting me all the time.

"The Honda's have improved a lot this season and they have made it very tougher, they are getting stronger every week, all of them. I have big expectations because he's my brother and maybe too much because it’s never easy to jump in at this level and on a short week. The Hondas are going good and have some upgrades from the factory and this is a track that Roger loves and I hope he puts on a good show."

Roger Lee currently rides for the Pedercini Kawasaki squad in the World Superbikes and will also compete in the next month's Moto2 race at Indianapolis in a Honda America effort headed by 1993 world 500cc champion Kevin Schwantz.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dicas de Legislação

Dicas de Legislação

Leis de transito para motos

Parece que as coisas vão mudar para os motoqueiros que fazem a festa nas ruas e botam medo em muito gente, o que acontece é que o congresso nacional está para aprovar novas leis de transito para motos.

A polemica está sendo mantida pela classe dos motoboys que se correm o risco de perder o emprego por causa de uma das leis que só vai permitir o transito deles nas grandes cidades até as dez da manhã, e depois das seis da tarde.

Outra mudança das possíveis novas leis de transito para motos são, Que se continuar o abuso dos motoqueiros, muitos deles podem ser vitimas do rodízio de carteiras, o governo toma a sua carteira por dez dias para diminuir o fluxo de motos, e assim você entra no rodízio, só basta saber se isso é certo ou não.